Headlands School is part of the ‘Healthy Schools Network’ and ‘Eco Schools’ and therefore we pay a great deal of attention to the development of pupil’s health, social and psychological wellbeing, and we take care of our environment.
Healthy Schools
The Vale of Glamorgan Network of Healthy Schools Scheme is part of the Welsh Network of Healthy Schools Schemes (WNHSS) and part of Schools for Health in Europe.
Recognised by the World Health Organisation (WHO) as playing a key role in promoting the health of children and young people, the Healthy Schools Scheme has been rolled out across Wales since 2000.
All schools in the Vale of Glamorgan participate in the scheme, which is managed by Public Health Wales and actively supported by the Local Education Authority and Cardiff and Vale University Health Board.
The underlying principles of the scheme are:
- The importance of pupil participation in core areas of school life which affect health and wellbeing.
- The importance of the understanding and commitment of the whole school community.
- A positive approach to health.
The scheme covers seven topic areas:
- Food and fitness
- Mental and emotional health and wellbeing
- Environment
- Safety
- Hygiene
- Substance misuse
- Personal development and relationships
Within each of these areas, schools are required to demonstrate they have reached high standards of practice. The National Quality Award of the Welsh Network of Healthy Schools Scheme is awarded to schools that have achieved the highest standards in all seven areas.
Here at Headlands, we have completed the first five phases of Healthy Schools and are currently aiming to achieve Welsh Network of Healthy Schools Scheme National Quality Award.
You can read more about the Welsh Network of Healthy Schools Scheme here.
Eco Schools
Eco-Schools is a global programme engaging 19.5 million children across 70 countries, making it the largest educational programme on the planet. The programme was developed by the Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE) in 1994 and run in Wales by Keep Wales Tidy.
The underlying principles are:
- Empower and inspire young people to make positive environmental changes to their school and wider community.
- Encompassing Education for Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship.
Headlands has achieved the bronze award and we are now working towards the silver.
You can read more about Eco-Schools here.