
At Headlands we believe that participating as an active member of community life is an important part of promoting healthy relationships. Therefore, it is our goal to:-

  • Promote a sense of belonging.
  • Have a positive, supportive and nurturing class base.
  • Have a warm, comfortable home and a group of adults always available to support each child and young person in the community in whatever way they need.
  • Support each young person to be an active participant in community life and to consider what barriers they may need to overcome in order to do this.
  • Have adults who listen and support change whenever needed, both within Headlands and in the wider community, e.g. in sports groups, police liaison etc.
  • Be curious about each young person’s interests and how to nurture these interests in community life.
  • Be thoughtful about how to promote independence vs dependence in the community.
  • Prepare young people for challenges of community life.
  • Create a rich, vibrant community life within Headlands around rituals and celebrations, e.g. birthday celebrations, Christmas, Halloween etc.
  • Include past pupils in community life when appropriate.
  • Encourage an active social life between pupils in different classes and houses.