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And that’s a wrap!

The beginning of the Summer Holidays marks the end of a journey for some of our young people.

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Mental Wellbeing in Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan

Matt Burns, Principal of Headlands school sharing our work on wellbeing at Showcasing Emotional and Mental Wellbeing in Cardiff and the Vale of
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Mental Wellbeing in Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan

Matt Burns, Principal of Headlands school sharing our work on wellbeing at Showcasing Emotional and Mental Wellbeing in Cardiff and the Vale of
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Canada meets Cynefin

Year 9 student Mackenzie and Mrs. Evans chat with Judy and Linda about the Spiral of Inquiry.
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Canada meets Cynefin

Year 9 student Mackenzie and Mrs. Evans chat with Judy and Linda about the Spiral of Inquiry.
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Leading Through Spirals Workshop

Leading Through Spirals Workshop March 8th 2024 Event is full
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Leading Through Spirals Workshop

Leading Through Spirals Workshop March 8th 2024 Event is full
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How DDP has impacted our Practice

For many of the young people we work with, their early life has been characterised by loss, upheaval and pain. These experiences have
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How DDP has impacted our Practice

For many of the young people we work with, their early life has been characterised by loss, upheaval and pain. These experiences have
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Visitors Interview

Vice Principal, Mr. Osbaldeston and Post 16 pupil Aidan had the privilege of interviewing Anne-Marie and Rachel from Action for Children.  What a
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Visitors Interview

Vice Principal, Mr. Osbaldeston and Post 16 pupil Aidan had the privilege of interviewing Anne-Marie and Rachel from Action for Children.  What a
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XP East School Visit

I think geographically Doncaster is the furthest North I have ever been on the globe, let alone the UK
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XP East School Visit

I think geographically Doncaster is the furthest North I have ever been on the globe, let alone the UK
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Headlands Financial Forte

Numbers to know how!
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Headlands Financial Forte

Numbers to know how!
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XP Visit

During my recent visit to the XP school, I was struck by the profound impact of simple but effective practices within the learning
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XP Visit

During my recent visit to the XP school, I was struck by the profound impact of simple but effective practices within the learning
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Alfie’s Walk

Motivated by the selfless efforts of the British Red Cross in Gazza, Alfie envisioned a unique way to contribute to the cause while simultaneously enhancing his own well-being.
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Alfie’s Walk

Motivated by the selfless efforts of the British Red Cross in Gazza, Alfie envisioned a unique way to contribute to the cause while simultaneously enhancing his own well-being.
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XP Visit – Blog

How far would you travel to be inspired by teaching and learning?
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XP Visit – Blog

How far would you travel to be inspired by teaching and learning?
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Poetry Competition

Makenzie from Miss Roderick’s class has recently taken part in the Poetry Together competition where he and his grandfather wrote poems about Happiness. This
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Poetry Competition

Makenzie from Miss Roderick’s class has recently taken part in the Poetry Together competition where he and his grandfather wrote poems about Happiness. This
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Spokes is our on-site bicycle repair centre. Customers for the service come from the local community as well as from within the school.
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Spokes is our on-site bicycle repair centre. Customers for the service come from the local community as well as from within the school.
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Snow trip March 2023

After a long 3-year wait, following the Covid pandemic, a group of 7 pupils, 4 staff members and a volunteer finally left for
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Snow trip March 2023

After a long 3-year wait, following the Covid pandemic, a group of 7 pupils, 4 staff members and a volunteer finally left for
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Snow Trip March 2023

After a long 3-year wait, following the Covid pandemic, a group of 7 pupils, 4 staff members and a volunteer finally left for
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Snow Trip March 2023

After a long 3-year wait, following the Covid pandemic, a group of 7 pupils, 4 staff members and a volunteer finally left for
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Headlands Christmas Project 2021

This year as our Christmas project, Year 9 have decided that we would like to support Women’s Aid Cardiff. This charity has been
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Headlands Christmas Project 2021

This year as our Christmas project, Year 9 have decided that we would like to support Women’s Aid Cardiff. This charity has been
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Mental Wellbeing in Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan

Matt Burns, Principal of Headlands school sharing our work on wellbeing at Showcasing Emotional and Mental Wellbeing in Cardiff and the...

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Mental Wellbeing in Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan

Matt Burns, Principal of Headlands school sharing our work on wellbeing at Showcasing Emotional and Mental Wellbeing in Cardi...

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Canada meets Cynefin

Year 9 student Mackenzie and Mrs. Evans chat with Judy and Linda about the Spiral of Inquiry.

Year 9 student Mackenzie and Mrs. Evans chat with Judy and Linda about the Spiral of Inquiry.

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Leading Through Spirals Workshop

Leading Through Spirals Workshop

March 8th 2024

Leading Through Spirals Workshop

March 8th 2024

After a long 3-year wait, following the Covid pandemic, a group of 7 pupils, 4 staff members and a volunteer finally left for the Frenc...

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Snow trip March 2023

After a long 3-year wait, following the Covid pandemic, a group of 7 pupils, 4 staff members and a volunteer finally left for...

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Snow Trip March 2023

After a long 3-year wait, following the Covid pandemic, a group of 7 pupils, 4 staff members and a volunteer finally left for the Frenc...

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Snow Trip March 2023

After a long 3-year wait, following the Covid pandemic, a group of 7 pupils, 4 staff members and a volunteer finally left for...

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And that’s a wrap!

The beginning of the Summer Holidays marks the end of a journey for some of our young people.

The beginning of the Summer Holidays marks the end of a journey for some of our young people.

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How DDP has impacted our Practice

For many of the young people we work with, their early life has been characterised by loss, upheaval and pain. These experiences have s...

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How DDP has impacted our Practice

For many of the young people we work with, their early life has been characterised by loss, upheaval and pain. These experien...

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