The Eco Schools programme is an international initiative that encourages pupils to engage with environmental and sustainable development issues.
The programme is a learning resource and topic areas include: Litter, Waste Minimisation, Transport, Healthy Living, Energy, Water, School Grounds and Global Citizenship.
Pupils take key roles in decision making and participation in order to reduce the environmental impact of their school. In this way, Eco-Schools extend learning beyond the classroom and develop responsible citizenship attitudes both at home and in the wider community.
The Eco Schools International Green Flag, awarded to schools with high achievement in their programme, is a recognised and respected eco-label for performance in Education for Sustainable Development. The Eco-Schools programme is a long-term activity, with the award being re-assessed and renewed every two years.
The Eco-Schools Programme is funded by the Welsh Assembly Government, the Countryside Council for Wales and Waste Awareness Wales.
For more information on the Eco Schools programme
About Eco Headlands School
At Headlands School we have just started our ECO journey and are well on the way to achieving the bronze award. The ‘Bronze Award is self-assessed and focuses on getting the Eco-Schools process set up and getting everything in place to tackle the eco work that we have planned!
7 young people from different key stages have been chosen to be part of the Schools Eco Committee and have already made plans to focus on reducing litter, increasing the school’s insect and bird inhabitants (biodiversity). We have already made some important steps by removing single use plastic water bottles and replacing them with reusable ones and each young person has been given their own water bottle. Recycling bins have been put in every classroom and are being used appropriately. We have lots more exciting Eco changes planned for the coming year.